applied & theoretical

Roberto Toro (BSc Eng, MSc, PhD Cognitive Science - Institut Pasteur)

I am interested in the development and evolution of the brain, which I study through mathematical modelling, magnetic resonance imaging and genetics. I have developed computational models to describe the global organisation of the sulcal anatomy of the human brain, and to simulate the gyrification of the cerebral cortex. My aim is to apply this theoretical framework to the analysis of the neuranatomical data.

Ophélie Foubet (MSc Biophysics - Institut Pasteur, Université Paris 7)

My PhD project is about understanding the mechanics involved in the neocortical development. To do so, I study the gyrification of the neocortex in correlation with its structural organisation. My model is the ferret, a small mammal that has a post birth neocortical development which allows us to follow the folding pattern easily.

Katja Heuer (Fine Arts, English & French Studies - Max Planck Institute)

I use neuroimaging to understand the evolution and development of the brain. I am strongly involved in open, reproducible, science and interdisciplinary research: I develop open Web applications to facilitate access to open data, foster collaboration and citizen science (such as BrainBox and MicroDraw). I have a background in fine arts and in many of my projects I combine art and science as a way to engage with the general public.

Anita Beggiato (MD, Psychiatry - Hôpital Robert Debré, APHP)

Nicolas Traut (MSc Bioinformatics, Research Engineer - Inserm)

Céline Delettre (MSc Biophysics - Université Paris 7)

Anastasia Osoianu (BSc Psychology - Technische Universität Dresden)
